Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year, New Me!

Hey everyone -- long time no blog! I'm pretty excited about the coming year, and I've got a REALLY great plan in place to be successful at this blogging business (which isn't a business at all for me -- I'm not monetized!).

So, here's the plan. For this year, I am working on something really special -- something that's been on my mind for at least a couple of years -- a Quilt Along!

Now, I recognize that I've been pretty silent for a long time, so I assume that it will have to gain a little traction before anyone is actually quilting along... haha. That's okay! You can start whenever you like, and go at whatever pace you like -- so if you're just starting out with my blog and it's June and you still want to do it, then DO IT!

If you're interested in Quilting Along with me, I'll be sharing my first post in about a week and a half -- we're starting January 7. 

And, since just about every post needs a pretty picture... here's a little teaser about what I'm doing...