Friday, March 27, 2020

Love at Home Quilt

At the beginning of the year -- before the End of Life As We Know It, aka Coronavirus Quarantine -- our quilt group (Nebo Modern Quilters) challenged us to make a project with a house block that we designed ourselves. As a pattern designer, this challenge was RIGHT up my alley -- but I've already made a couple, so I wasn't super interested right at first.

One night, I didn't have anything pressing, and decided to just see what happened. I almost immediately came up with this idea, then had a few more -- proving that creativity ITSELF is inspiring! I loved this first idea best, though, and pursued it as fast as I could. I figured out just how much of everything I would need, cut out my teensy little squares, and then... just let it simmer for a little bit.

Since last Saturday was National Quilting Day, I took the day to kickstart my project. It was so much fun that I just couldn't stop! And by Thursday night, I had this quilt top to share on Instagram:

Isn't that fun?! It was SOOO much fun to do!! I actually had the idea to make a couple more little hearts above the chimney, so that will be reflected in another little project I will reveal TOMORROW!! But for now, let me leave you with this little cliffhanger... THIS is what my back will look like (without the lines showing where the 4" border will need to be):

Isn't that so exciting?!?! I can't wait to get started -- the challenge is "due" in April!!

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